Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Trans-America Trail 2

September 8, 2017  —  United States
Utah - United States

Our journey continues in Utah, one of the most scenic areas of the TAT. In turn, some sections of the route are very difficult especially when carrying a lot of luggage; the bike's handling becomes complicated in sand or rocks. In August, the environment is very harsh, temperatures average 40 degrees Celsius. A lot of water must be carried, but it quickly disappears when we have to spend energy lifting a motorcycle a few times.

Yes, yes! I fell many times. In the sand at slow speed, it is easy to lose control. In the rock, I was stalling the bike with an inappropriate usage of the clutch. However, it has been an excellent learning process.

Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Fantastic landscapes in the Moab area. On the rightmost photo, Thierry and his bike can be seen on the cliff.
Utah - United States
The Colorado River where we went swimming.
Utah - United States
The Colorado River.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Pictures from Thierry's GoPro.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
I am on these two photos.
Utah - United States
Wilson Arch south of Moab.
Utah - United States

My most spectacular fall. Bad rebound on the front suspension, and I lost control. Also, I rolled down to the river's bed; down a small one metre cliff behind me on the picture. Good thing we have armour and knee pads.

Utah - United States
Once more... Sand this time.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Newspaper Rock.
Utah - United States
Nevada - United States
Me, always me. Again, I fell in the sand.
Utah - United States

A nice mix of soil and water... This mud sticks to the wheel, and it's like driving on an ice rink.

I have a hard time walking due to a slippery ground, and also because of all the mud stuck on my boots.

Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
The Colorado River.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
With Alvaro, from Madrid, Spain.
Utah - United States
The awesome trio.
Utah - United States
Finally, it's not me.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Utah - United States

A few times, we had to backtrack. Sometimes, the trail became too difficult, or else the distance combined with the scarcity of drinking water were alarming.

The month of August is a difficult time to cross the desert. With temperature around 40 degrees, a simple breakage or puncture could be dangerous. Indeed, the time spent to fix a problem involves a greater consumption of water...

Utah - United States
Utah - United States
The trail was closed... It was even more difficult further on.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Arizona - United States
Arizona - United States
My bike stopped suddenly on the main road. The pulse coil was dead. Thierry towed me to Page. Residents from the town of Page welcomed us and we had the chance to repair the bike in front of their house. Fortunately, I had the spare part with me.
Arizona - United States
Camping in a national forest.
Grand Canyon - Arizona - United States
Grand Canyon - Arizona - United States

Stop at a magnificent viewpoint of the Colorado River.

Arizona - United States
Yes, it is 46 degrees Celsius.
Grand Canyon - Arizona - United States
Grand Canyon - Arizona - United States
The Colorado River.
Nevada - United States
Nevada - United States
Another problem with mud. It cumulated between the mudguard and the wheel. When the rain lessened, this mud started to dry and after a few minutes, it was completely blocking the wheels of Alvaro's bike.
Nevada - United States
Nevada - United States
It took more than an hour to successfully remove all that mud. Water was needed to soften the mud.
Nevada - United States
Oregon - United States
Oregon - United States
My second puncture.
Oregon - United States
Oregon - United States
Oregon - United States