Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Trans-America Trail 1

September 1, 2017  —  United States
New York - United States
Starting in New York.

Here we are at the start of the Trans-America Trail, clean, shaved, and with bikes and luggage in good conditions. The TAT crosses the United States from New York to Oregon with a distance of nearly 9 000 kilometres.

Conditions are varied: paved road in the mountains, gravel road, trail with sand, mud, or rocks, some rivers to cross, and temperature as high as 46 degrees (in August).

In the east, the trail follows the Appalachians through forest and small remote villages.

The centre passes through the heart of the Bible Belt where the scenery is rather boring, and people are very conservative. We have seen a lot of fields, big pick-ups, churches everywhere, guns, and many friendly and rustic people.

The west shines with its landscapes of mountains, desert, canyons, and people more open on the world.

West Virginia - United States
Stop for getting fuel and food..
Pennsylvania - United States
Small well-deserved pizza.
Tennessee - United States
Tail of the Dragon.

Tail of the Dragon is a spectacular road in the Great Smoky Mountains. With 318 curves in 10 miles, it attracts an impressive amount of bike and sports car enthusiasts.

Tennessee - United States
Not showing off; I drive slowly.

People come to show off their gears, and to be shot by several photographers located along the road, in sharp curves. Thereafter, these photographers sell their photos on the Internet.

Tennessee - United States
Tennessee - United States
On the parking lot, at the end of the road.
Tennessee - United States

Here is the Tree of Shame. Lost bike or car parts from those riding this famous road can be seen. I think that people push their luck a little too far to impress the mass or else to get some a fantastic shot,

Unfortunately, some people g over their limit; each year, there is one or more fatalities on this road.

Tennessee - United States
There are a lot of parts.
Tennessee - United States
Tennessee - United States
Memorial plate for a deceased.
Tennessee - United States
Tennessee - United States
Tennessee - United States
The first river we had to cross. Barefeet, I went to test the depth.
Tennessee - United States
Arkansas - United States
General store.
Arkansas - United States
Arkansas - United States
The TAT Shack is a small place provided for free for those riding the TAT. The shack is comfy with electricity, hot water, showers, beds, and even beers. A nice surprise after a long day.
Oklahoma - United States

In this part of the TAT, we are surrounded by fields and the roads are all straight lines for tens of kilometres. There is hardly anything to distract you from the monotony of the scenery.

There were many small derricks in the region. They are used for pumping crude oil.

Kansas - United States
Kansas - United States
The small river on the left photo appears easy, but it's not so. Alvaro and me, both fell off. The concrete is covered by a slimy green silt. The creek on the right photo is another trap. Not very large, but with a depth over one metre. We backtracked for this one.
Colorado - United States

On the road, we met JC who organized a trip from Alaska to Patagonia (Tierra del Fuego) with electrical motorbikes. Of course, there was a truck following them since it is impossible to recharge a vehicle in many regions of the world.

Sadly, the first attempt of JC and its team failed. With their new experience, they will attempt this journey as soon as possible.

On the photo, we see a bike with two panniers. There are actually two big batteries.

Colorado - United States
The truck following the expedition. We slept in it.
Colorado - United States
Thierry's motorbike.
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Manitou Springs, Colorado. A small hippie town in a state where marijuana is legal.
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
I fell off the bike many times... always at slow speed.
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States

By luck, we stumbled upon an old cars show.

Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Engineer Pass - 3900 metres

After the endless plains in the country's centre, we are finally in the mountains in Colorado. From that point on, the landscape was magnificent.

Colorado - United States
Small paradise for off-road vehicles.
Colorado - United States
Thierry at a viewpoint.
Colorado - United States
Most people drive quads.
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
It's Alvaro's turn to fall off.
Colorado - United States
Ophir Pass - 3600 metres.
Colorado - United States
Ophir Pass - 3600 metres.
Colorado - United States
Our group at Ophir Pass.
Colorado - United States
Colorado - United States
Going down after Ophir Pass.
Colorado - United States
Utah - United States
Supporters of Trump.

Trump's supporters seems to be found anywhere in the country. However, the Bible Belt seemed a lot more pro-Trump.

Utah - United States
Transition between the mountains and the rock formations often found in Utah.
Utah - United States
Utah - United States
Thierry driving.
Utah - United States

I was the unlucky one in this trip. I had two punctures because of a nail. I also had two mechanical failures.

Utah - United States
To be continued...