Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Ssese Islands

September 25, 2012  —  Uganda
Ssese Islands - Uganda

The Ssese Islands are a group of islands in Lake Victoria. The main one, called Bugala, is the easiest to visit.

The island is accessible with a car using a government ferry. We arrived just when the ferry was leaving. It went for a few metres on the water and came back for us.

Ssese Islands - Uganda
Just in time!
Ssese Islands - Uganda
But there is a lot of space!
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Find the two living chickens...
Ssese Islands - Uganda
The crossing.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
The lines on the ground are red ants.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Ssese Islands - Uganda

Unfortunately, the island is not the small paradise it was some years ago. Twenty years ago, this place could have become a park. Today, far from one, the island has only become a vast palm plantation for making palm oil.

The lush forest that covered the island in the past has almost been entirely cut to make space for plantations. In my opinion, more than 80% of the island has been ravaged for this type of agriculture. Moreover, palm oil is harmful because of the saturated fat it contains...

Ssese Islands - Uganda
Palm tree's fruits.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Palm oil factory.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
View of the factory and a plantation.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
A road through a plantation.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Palm tree.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Palm tree's fruits.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Field dotted with termite mounds.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Inhabitants live meagerly.
Ssese Islands - Uganda
Goodbye lost paradise.