Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

On the road #2

October 4, 2012  —  Uganda

Lake Albert

Lake Albert - Uganda

You already know about Lake Albert, we were at the south of this huge lake when we visited the Semuliki Wildlife Reserve and the Ntokoro Village.

This time, we are on the north side of the lake some 155 km further away than the previous time. We did a small walk on the shore of the lake. Sometimes we try a destination, but we don't always know if it is really worth it. In this case, there was nothing very impressive, but the landscapes were still nice.

Lake Albert - Uganda
Remains of the S.S. Coryndon.
Lake Albert - Uganda
Fisherman repairing a net.
Lake Albert - Uganda
Saddle-billed stork.
Lake Albert - Uganda
Saddle-billed stork.
Lake Albert - Uganda
Melanie on a beach.


Miscellaneous - Uganda

A picture of a sign showing a railway crossing. Why this picture? Only, because I like the sign. Not complicated, isn't it?

All right, Melanie is correcting me right away. She stopped to take a picture of the sign. On my side, I copied the idea since I thought it was a nice photo...

Mount Elgon Region - Uganda

Not just the city of Kampala is polluted. A lot of big towns also are. Here, Mbale, with its black smog hat.

Miscellaneous - Uganda

Another picture showing a not so pretty aspect of Africa. Notice the trash on the ground after a market day. Pollution by the smog and trash, especially plastics, is omnipresent.