Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

On the road #1

September 1, 2012  —  Uganda
Kisoro - Uganda

A small break in Kisoro after a month of travel in Rwanda. We camped at this place for 5 days.

In the background, one of the volcanoes of the Volcanoes Park in Rwanda and Mgahinga Park in Uganda. The park extends over three countries and also has a big section in Congo (DRC).

Kisoro - Uganda
Everyday life. Filling the water bottles.
Mgahinga National Park - Uganda
Another camping near Mgahinga Park.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
The road between Kisoro and Kabale.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
The road between Kisoro and Kabale.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
People travel as best they can.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Kisizi falls.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Timber cutting.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Heavy rain shower. Note all the water flowing down...
Kilembe - Uganda

We were not in the good season, but we would have liked to spend a few days in this ski resort.


Kilembe - Uganda
Old copper mine.
Kilembe - Uganda
River flowing from the Rwenzori Mountains.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Cement factory.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Road side market.
Miscellaneous - Uganda
Ankole cows.


Kabale - Uganda

Kabale is a fairly important town of Uganda. Despite its importance, the town is not that pretty. In fact, most towns are similar.

Kabale - Uganda

Repairs in a 'garage' more or less in the middle of the street. Rest assured, it is not my van, but one almost identical.

Kabale - Uganda
Kabale - Uganda
Kabale - Uganda
Kabale - Uganda
The biggest supermarket.
Kampala - Uganda
Kampala - Uganda
Kabale - Uganda

Lake Mutanda

This lake, north of Kisoro, is very pretty. Scenery around the lake was splendid.

Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Brick workshop.
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Brick workshop.
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Typical house.
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Lake Mutanda - Uganda
Lake Mutanda - Uganda

Camping in Kilembe

Kilembe - Uganda

We camped in Kilembe and I wanted to show you an example of camping in Uganda. The site costs $4 per person and was quite basic, but the site was really quiet (for Africa).

Kilembe - Uganda

In many places in Africa, water for the showers is heated with wood. It is not surprising that forests are quickly disappearing. Electricity is probably too expensive.

Kilembe - Uganda
A Halloween-themed writing style.
Kilembe - Uganda
The shower and the toilet.

The Equator

Miscellaneous - Uganda

The Equator is the imaginary line that separates the planet in two (the northern and southern hemispheres).

Of course, the tourism industry made a tourist attraction out of it... With a lot of souvenir shops.

Miscellaneous - Uganda
Validation with a GPS.
We are really at 0.0.0.