Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Murchison Falls National Park

October 5, 2012  —  Uganda

Murchison is the biggest park in Uganda with its 3840 km2. In the sixties, this park contained an incredible fauna; it was possible to see elephant herds with up to 500 individuals.

The history of Uganda is filled with dictators and civil wars. These two elements have had a devastating impact on the park. By 1990, there were only 250 elephants left in the park.

Nowadays, peace is back in the country and the fauna has greatly increased. It is not back to the level of the sixties, but it is possible to do great safaris with a bit of luck. In addition to the fauna, the major attraction of the park is the impressive Murchison Falls.

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Rainbow near the waterfall.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Once, there was a bridge.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
On the road to the falls, we met buffaloes taking a mud bath.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Small lizard near the falls.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda

The fauna is especially prolific north of the river that splits the park from east to west. We saw some very pretty animals. Some are similar to those we have already seen, but there were some new species: oribi, Rothschild's giraffe, patas monkey and some birds.

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
A patas monkey and a giraffe.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Rothschild's giraffe.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Black Crowned Cranes.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Black Crowned Crane.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Showing off for the female.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Uganda kobs.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
African Fish Eagle.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Patas monkey.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Uganda kobs.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Small elephant herd at the end of the day.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda

It is always interesting to explore the seldom-visited areas of a park. One can have some nice encounters.

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda

Can someone identify these footprints?

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Velvet monkey.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Patas monkey.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda

Yes, there are a lot of photos about giraffe. Melanie and I love this animal. We think it is pretty and graceful.

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda

Can you count the number of giraffes on this picture? I count 15 individuals.

Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Note the colour variation.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Giraffe game?
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
May we drive on, please?
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Traffic jam.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda
Seldom seen, the two-headed giraffe.
Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda