Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Lake Natron and around

July 22, 2012  —  Tanzania

The road between Mto wa Mbu and Lake Natron is very beautiful. It is Maasai territory, a very colourful tribe living a very traditional life. A lot of Maasai are happy living in huts made of mud and straw without electricity or running water. Their wealth is estimated with the size of the herd of cows and goats they own.

The scenery is splendid even though it is not a park; there are animals such zebras, giraffes, gazelles and ostriches. The only bad point about this region is the commercialism along the road. Indeed, three times, we had to pay a toll on this road (1 per district). Moreover, Maasai living there are always following you trying to sell something or guide you even if you don't want anybody. There is no way to have a peaceful moment.

Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lunch break, we are never alone.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
A Maasai woman is watching us. Far away, a mini tornado.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Endless road?
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
A hawk.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Splendid scenery near the lake.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Wild animals live in the area.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
In the heart of Maasai territory.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Jocelyn in action.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania

After about 15 minutes after we arrived, four saleswomen installed themselves near the van to wait for our return. A would-be guide has been on our heels quite some time even if we tried to make him understand that we didn't want him around.

We wanted to change into bathing suits before going to a waterfall, but the Maasai was standing two inches from our door watching us.

Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Near Lake Natron, there are some falls named Engaro Serai that are really worth seeing.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Path going to the falls.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Kid crossing the stream.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
View of Lake Natron.
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Lake Natron Area - Tanzania
Sunset at the Serengeti doorstep.