Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Elephant Coast - Mkhuze Game Reserve

June 6, 2015  —  South Africa 3
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa

All right, more animals again! Yes, but what a show!

Since I had been successful in the last park, I installed myself in a hide and I waited all day for animals to come. I was rewarded very well.

Warning, these photos might make you thirsty. It's a big animal drinking session.

Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Male Nyala and its harem (and an intruder).
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Impalas a male Nyala.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
A white rhinoceros.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
A white rhinoceros.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Female Nyala.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
A group of baboons came to the waterhole.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
An intruder; a velvet monkey.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
This great kudu tried very hard, but it did not manage to get what it wanted.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Other white rhinoceros came at the end of the day.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
A mongoose.
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
Mkhuze Game Reserve - The Elephant Coast - South Africa
On the road, before leaving the reserve...