Travels around the world 2009-2024
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Graaff-Reinet, Nieu Bethesda, and Barberton

May 20, 2015  —  South Africa 3


Graaff-Reinet - South Africa

This town is nicknamed the 'Jewel of Karoo'. It is the fourth oldest colonial town of South Africa and has a nice architectural heritage.

Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
Dutch Reformed Church.
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
The Reinet House.

This house is an excellent architectural example at the time of colonization.

It has become a museum...

Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
The Reinet House.
Graaff-Reinet - South Africa
The Reinet House.

Nieu Bethesda

Nieu Bethesda - South Africa

The charming village of Nieu Bethesda has become famous because of the 'Owl House'. Nowadays, one still has the impression of being back in time and visit a colonial-era village with its dirt road and ancient houses.

These days, the village lives (or survives) from tourism. It has several pretty cafes and restaurants as well as a plethora of accommodations. Despite that, the look of the town is relatively well-preserved.

Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
A restaurant.
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Another restaurant.
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa

Nieu Bethesda - Owl House

Nieu Bethesda - South Africa

The Owl House belonged to artist Helen Martins (1898–1976). With her assistant Koos Malgas, she decided one day to put light and colour in her drab life.

For thirty years, she worked with a passion to decorate the inside of the house and then filling the yard outside with sculptures of owls, camels, acrobats, and mermaids. Everything has been created from cement, bottles or wire.

At the age of 78, worn down by arthritis and blindness, she committed suicide leaving behind instructions that her house was to be preserved as a testament to her vision.

Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa

Let us go into the house of 'Miss Helen'.

Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
A ceiling.
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa
Nieu Bethesda - South Africa


Barberton - South Africa

Barberton is a gold rush town from the late 1800. Mines in the area have been closed more than 100 years ago.

There are a few ancient houses that are very nice (inside), but the rest of the town is not very appealing.

Barberton - South Africa
Belhaven House.

House of a rich middle-class merchant.

Barberton - South Africa
Barberton - South Africa
Belhaven House.
Barberton - South Africa
Barberton - South Africa
Belhaven House.
Barberton - South Africa
Barberton - South Africa
Stopforth House.
Barberton - South Africa
Fernlea House.