Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

The country of a thousand hills

August 29, 2012  —  Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda

Rwanda is nicknamed 'the country of a thousand hills'.

In this article, I am showing you great scenery and interesting places.

Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Miscellaneous - Rwanda

One day, at the end of the afternoon, Melanie asked the priest of this church if we could sleep on the land. He accepted without reservation.

Miscellaneous - Rwanda

The next day, we forgot it was a Sunday. Many parishioners came for the mass and parked their bicycle very close to our van.

Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda

At the beginning of the trip, I was telling you that Rwandan people were a bit shy. This shyness had gone away not long after we started travelling.

Children were sometimes annoying. For them, it was a game to shout 'amazungu' (white people) and to ask for money or bottles, but for us it sometimes became such an annoyance that we sometimes fled from people without talking to them (including some adults).

Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
A tiny garden.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda

Crossing some bridges is rather risky. It is better to check the state of the bridge before venturing onto it.

After crossing the bridge, I took a few pictures with the effect of attracting a mob of curious people in the space of only a few minutes.

Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Larger than the wheel.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Curious folks.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Melanie in front of our fan club.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Our fans.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Erosion of the road.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Refugee camp.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Some little brats... hmmm, curious.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Nyungwe National Park - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Very rough road.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Sometimes, we have to clean the road.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Terrace cultivation.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Brick plant.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Brick plant.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Bumpy road covered with volcanic rocks.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda
Sabyinyo Volcano.
Land of a Thousand Hills - Rwanda