Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Tambopata National Reserve

September 6, 2022  —  Peru 2
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

For 3 days I explored the Peruvian jungle in the Tambopata National Reserve. My main goal was to go to Collpa Chuncho where you can observe the beautiful macaws (large parrots) in a natural environment.

During my stay, I participated in several interesting activities. For those who are interested in a similar tour, what we can see during the stay is magnificent, but there is a lot of travel, and the time allocated for the activities is always too short. It's too compressed in time and we can't fully enjoy our stay. In addition, all activities must officially be done with a guide.

The forest during the day

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

The forest at night

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
This tarantula measures about 20 cm including the legs.

The early night tour with the guide only lasts an hour, and everything happens too quickly. So, to take these pictures, I snuck out after everyone had gone to sleep. It took me a few hours to find these bugs and take pictures of them with a flash.

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
I would like to know what is going on here...
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

The Tambopata River - Collpa Chuncho

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

At dawn, we went to Collpa Chuncho, one of the few places in the world where different species of macaws gather in large numbers. The clay cliffs attract these magnificent parrots, who come to lick the walls in search of minerals.

Seeing dozens of parrots at the same time is an extraordinary sight. On the other hand, for the photos, it is not easy, because we are very far from the wall. The few photos I managed to snap were made with a lens whose focal length is equivalent to 800 mm.

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Clay cliffs.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

The Tambopata River

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

After watching the macaws, we continue exploring along the river.

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Howler monkeys.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Howler monkeys.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

Piranha fishing

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

You can't go into the jungle without trying to catch piranha. The harvest was not very good, but we managed to catch a small piranha which we then released.

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
We fished from this natural bridge over a small stream that flows into the Tambopata River.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
A beautiful set of teeth!

Around the lodge

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru

Around the lodge, we could observe different species of fruits, trees and flowers cultivated by the owners of the place.

Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Carambola or Star Fruit.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
According to the guide, the footprints of a young tiger.
Tambopata National Reserve - Peru
Despite the ban and fines, there are still illegal gold miners roaming the banks of the Tambopata River.