Cañon de los Perdidos
The cañon de los Perdidos is often translated as the Lost Canyon, but I prefer the name Canyon of the Lost People. Indeed, before reaching the region of Nazca, I tried to visit the canyon knowing that the trail to get there was not really well documented. In other words, it was not on maps or on the GPS.
I ended up at a very nice place deep in the desert; a small river surrounded by greens. I was happy with my visit, but I still had a doubt as to whether as was at the proper location. It was not really a canyon...

A week later... second attempt
After nearly a week in Nazca, and after some research on the Internet, I realize that during my visit to the canyon, I ended up taking the wrong path. In brief, I got lost.
The few photos of the canyon I check are looking very nice, so I decide to go back, and to try to find it for real. I succeeded and it was really worth it.
Here is the famous Canyon of the Lost People. It is impressive because the river suddenly jumps down a few dozen metres into the emptiness.
It is difficult to imagine a river carved this magnificent canyon, especially when we think about the fact that we are in the deep desert, and the river is completely dry. Is the river active at certain times of the year? I have absolutely no idea.