Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Damaraland - Petrified Forest

March 8, 2014  —  Namibia
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia

We are in a desert zone and we went to see a forest. Weird, isn't it?

In fact, it is about an area where ancient trees now transformed in rock are scattered around the plain. These trees should be about 260 million years old and were carried to this site by floods. Apparently, the trees could have originated as far as Congo.

It's a fascinating display since it is really possible to recognize a tree, a branch, a knot or even tree rings.

Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
Tree rings can be seen.
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
A knot.
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
It wanted to play seek and hide with us.
Petrified Forest - Damaraland - Namibia
Part of a tree measuring several metres.