Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Tofo and around

July 10, 2015  —  Mozambique
Tofo - Mozambique
Hotel and restaurant on the beach.

Ah, here is the famous village of Tofo, known to backpackers for its vibe, beaches, parties, and scuba diving. In season, it is possible to see humpback whales, whale sharks, and manta rays. Here is a place I really liked.

I stayed there for 12 days and I did several dives, my advanced PADI diving course, a nice kayak trip, and of course, a few nights out for parties. The diving is the topic of the next post.

Tofo - Mozambique
Beach of Tofinho.
Tofo - Mozambique
Beach of Tofinho.
Tofo - Mozambique
Beach of Tofinho.
Tofo - Mozambique
Beach of Tofinho.

Kayak trip

Island of Inhambane - Mozambique

One day, I did a kayak trip followed by a visit on Inhambane Island and finally the return trip on a typical dhow.

On that day, I had for company Jennifer, Amin, and a guide.

Ponta da Barra - Mozambique
Our starting and final point - Ponta da Barra.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
The village on Inhambane Island.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
She has a comb in her hair.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
An outdoor classroom.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Some music for the visitors.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Meal in the village: matopo, fishes, rice, shrimps and crabs.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Return trip on a dhow. Since there was almost no wind, they had to work quite hard.
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Island of Inhambane - Mozambique
Ponta da Barra - Mozambique

Yes, children are dangerous in this area.