Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Pacific Coast - Michoacán

November 4, 2017  —  Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico

Highway 200, also known as Carretera Pacífico in Spanish, follow the Pacific Coast for about 2000 km and crosses seven Mexican states. Here are a few photos of the 250 km I did in the state of Michoacán.

In the section I drove, I found that the 'Pacific Road' rarely offers views of the sea. Even though there are few viewpoints, highway 200 is interesting since it's an area of the coast that is not often visited by foreign tourists. Also, some parts of the coast are still quite wild.

Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico

The sign translate as follows:

Magic tree - Give me your - problem - I will solve it

Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
River that flows into the Pacific.
Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico

I stopped briefly on this beach since it is a sea turtle sanctuary. In the good season, the leatherback sea turtle, the olive ridley sea turtle, and the Galápagos green turtle lay their eggs here.

Unfortunately, I still did not manage to see any turtles, but it was a nice campsite on a great beach.

Highway 200 - Michoacán - Mexico
House of the turtle sanctuary caretaker.