Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Mexico City

November 28, 2017  —  Mexico
Mexico City - Mexico
The historic centre.

How do I feel about a city of more than 22 million inhabitants? Some suburbs are very nice, but the population density and especially the traffic jams make it far less attractive. Moving around the city from one end to the other can take hours and rush hours are excessively long. If you think that Montréal is hell, don't go to Mexico City.

I am rather happy to have seen the city and some of its attractions. However, it's one of the rare places where after having seen it, I don't have any reason to go back.

Mexico City - Mexico
The historic centre.
Mexico City - Mexico
The historic centre.
Mexico City - Mexico
The Metropolitan Cathedral.

Started in 1573, the cathedral was only finished in 1813 when the clock tower was added.

Mexico City - Mexico
Inside the cathedral.
Mexico City - Mexico
Inside the cathedral.
Mexico City - Mexico
Mexico City - Mexico
Palace of Fine Arts.
Mexico City - Mexico
Forest of Chapultepec.

National Palace

This government office contains superb painting from artist Diego Rivera. These works of art were created between 1929 and 1951.

Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico
Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico
Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico
Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico
Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico
Palacio Nacional - Mexico City - Mexico

Templo Mayor

The ruins of Templo Mayor are not the most striking. However, the fact they are in the heart of the historic centre makes them a lot more interesting.

The temple was only discovered in 1978 after electricity workers discovered an 8-tonne stone-disc carving of Aztec goddess Coyolxauhqui. Later, some colonial buildings were demolished to allow for excavation of the temple.

The temple could have been where the Aztecs saw as the centre of the universe. The capital was known as Tenochtitlán. The temple central platform dates from around 1400.

Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
The 8-tonne stone carving discovered by electricity workers.
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Frogs watching access to the temple.
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico
Templo Mayor - Mexico City - Mexico