Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

First days

October 6, 2017  —  Mexico
Santa Ysabel - Baja California - Mexico

I entered Mexico by the border post at Tecate. On the American side, there is no real village, but on the Mexican side, there is a bustling town.

Crossing the border was really easy. I passed through a customs area without anybody stopping me, and within minutes, I was in Mexico. Excellent, a first border crossing that is easy... However, I don't have any visa or paper for the motorbike.

San Luis Río Colorado - - Mexico

Turning around, I come back to the border and park the bike on the Mexican side. On foot, I go back to the customs area to get the necessary papers. After about 1 hour, I have all I need: a visa and a temporary import permit for the bike. I already have an insurance that I bought online a few days before.

The northern region of Mexico is really dry and mostly covered by desert. The temperature is around 34 degrees Celsius.

Santa Ysabel - Baja California - Mexico
Mexican road on the northern edge of the country.
San Luis Río Colorado - - Mexico
Desert along the Golf of California.
Pitiquito - - Mexico
Pitiquito Mission.

Northern Mexico is not the most exciting region of the country. I choose to drive the road of the missions of Father Kino, an Italian Jesuit (1645-1711).

The last 24 years of his life, he worked with indigenous people of Sonora and Arizona, in the USA. When he died, he had established 24 missions or chapels in the region.

Pitiquito - - Mexico
Pitiquito - - Mexico
Pitiquito - - Mexico
Tubutama - - Mexico
Tubutama - - Mexico
Tubutama Mission.
Baviácora - - Mexico
Baviácora Mission.
Baviácora - - Mexico
Baviácora Mission.