Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Vwaza Wildlife Reserve

September 11, 2015  —  Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi

The Vwaza Reserve protects the Vwaza Swamp and Lake Kazuni. Since the reserve is infested with tsetse flies, I stayed near Lake Kazuni at the entrance of the park.

From the campsite, one can see hippopotami, elephants, monkeys, and a few species of antelopes that come to drink at the lake. I did a small trek with a ranger and two other travellers (Gemma and Alice) as well as a night game drive; I was driving my own car.

Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Lake Kazuni.
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
There is a healthy population of hippopotami in the lake and along the river.
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Hippopotamus' footprints.
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Hippos and elephants.
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi

The night game drive was a nice experience, but we didn't see a lot of animals except this hippopotamus and a few antelopes.

Vwaza Wildlife Reserve - Malawi
One of the cottages in front of the lake.