Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Going to Lake Turkana

October 2, 2013  —  Kenya
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya

In order to reach Ethiopia, we took a road rarely used, via Lake Turkana. Some people told us that we won't be able to get through with our van. Others told us that the road is too rough or that it is impassable because of rivers.

On my side, I read a few overlander blogs and most of them got through without any problem. In any case, if we can't pass, we will turn back. Now, let's this adventure starts.

On the road - Kenya
Tea plantation.

At the beginning, the landscapes are quite green since this part of Kenya has a rainy climate because of the mountains.

We have passed a very nice tea plantation as well. We made a brief stop in Nyahururu to see the Thompson fall.

Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Nyahururu - Kenya
Thompson's fall.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Lokar.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Lokar.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Lokar.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Lokar.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Lokar.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Morijo.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Morijo.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Marti.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Down toward Baragoi.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Down toward Baragoi.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Baragoi.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Near Baragoi.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
South Horr.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
South Horr.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
South Horr.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Vulturine Guinea fowl.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Village of Salima.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Village of Salima.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Village of Salima.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Volcanic rocks field.

The more north we are going, the more the climate becomes dry. We were thinking that we have seen some very dry areas along the road, but in fact, we had not seen anything yet.

As you can see on the following pictures, the landscape becomes very dry and unwelcoming. Even the wind was hot and dry. Just walking a few hundred metres to take photos was enough to have a dry mouth and feel thirsty. It was very impressive and surprising at the same time since people lives in theses arid regions. We saw a few herds of goats, dromedaries, a few cows, and always a shepherd to watch over them.

Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Volcanic rocks field.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Desert area.
Maralal to Lake Turkana road - Kenya
Volcanic rocks field.