Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Saiwa National Park

October 30, 2012  —  Kenya
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Female or juvenile sitatunga.

This small park protects the Saiwa Swamp and shelters a species that we had never seen before: the sitatunga. It is a kind of antelope.

Well, to be honest, it is far from the nicest antelope we have seen. It is also an antelope slightly boring to look at since it is not very active and only feeds itself by moving at a slow pace.

Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Male sitatunga.
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
The ecosystem of sitatunga.
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Footbridge on the river.

Sitatungas were a bit boring, but trekking around the river and swamp was quite interesting. The landscape was magnificent.

Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Footbridge in the swamp.
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Yellow-billed stork.
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
The swamp.
Saiwa Swamp National Park - Kenya
Melanie on the trail.