Ruta Lenca - part 2
Erandique is the most beautiful village of the region, and possibly of the country. The village was at the earth of the Lenca rebellion waged by the indigenous chief Lempira againsts the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.
The village has three nice parks, each with a superb church and a century-old tree of the Ceiba family. Three churches within one kilometre for a population of about 16,000 people.
It may seem incredible, but during a walk around the village, youngsters asked me for a donation to help in the construction of a fourth church, yes for real! After telling them that I thought three churches were enough, a young girl told me that it was for a different ministry...

A small village with nice public benches.

La Esperanza
La Esperanza is the highest city in Honduras at 1,980 metres.
La Gruta s a small chapel sculpted directly in the rock.

Valle de Azacualpa
Magnificent valley north of the city of La Esperanza.

Valle de Azacualpa - Río Grande
The Río Grande disappears in the valley below, after a drop of some 120 metres.