Ruta Lenca - part 1
The Lenca Road is located in the southwest of Honduras. It's a mountainous region with superb landscapes and numerous century-old villages. The Lenca people are the largest indigenous group of Honduras with a population of about 100,000 souls.

San Manuel de Colohete
This village is home to the church of Nuestra Señora de Concepción, built in 1721. No nails were used in the construction of the church's roof.
Unfortunately, when I visited, the church was being renovated due to damages caused by the previous season's rains. Despite the work in progress, it was possible to admire the roof wooden framework. Impressive.

San Sebastián

San Marcos Caiquín

La Campa
La Campa is the most developed village of the region. It is known for its earthenware pottery.

Road from San Sebastián to Tambla

La Virtud