Río Cangrejal and Pico Bonito
Pico Bonito Park
On the following panorama, one can see the mountains of the Pico Bonito Park over the plains near the city of La Ceiba. This vast park is a dense jungle that is not easy to explore. Some 20 rivers originate from these mountains, and several waterfalls can be observed... More easily accessible, the Río Cangrejal offers some nice scenery, and the possibility to do rafting, in season.

Pico Bonito Park - Hike to La Ruidosa Waterfall
This trail follows the Zacapate River up to the Ruidosa Waterfall.

Pico Bonito Park - Hike to Bejuco Waterfall
Another trail starting with this footbridge over the Río Cangrejal.

Río Cangrejal
When I reached the area, I didn't think I would spend a lot of time there. But when I found this lodge on the shore of the Cangrejal River, I found a small paradise. I installed the tent near the river on an isolated site only for me, and I could enjoy the facilities of this superb place.