Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Western Highlands 1/2

October 28, 2018  —  Guatemala 2

Back on the road

Near Tapachula, Mexico.

After more than 6 months in Quebec, I am back in Mexico to retrieve the motorbike that was in storage in Tapachula. I had left it outside, under a blue tarp, without even disconnecting the battery or emptying the carburetor. Despite that, the bike eventually started after many attempts and lots of coughing from the engine. Lucky me!

I stayed a few days in Tapachula to prepare the trip forward. In addition to washing everything, I did a basic maintenance on the bike as well as changing many parts. Please, see the motorbike maintenance log (+33607 km) for more details.

Voilà, I am ready to go on. Guatemala is next.

Tajumulco Volcano

Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala

The first days were a bit hard. In Tapachula, at an altitude of 17 metres, the temperature is around 34 degrees Celsius with 80% humidity. In a single day, I went from this altitude to more than 3,000 metres in less than 100 kilometres as the crow fly. What a drastic change! When I arrived near the Tajumulco Volcano, I had shortness of breath and a light headache. Moreover, I was thinking about climbing the volcano whose summit is at 4,220 metres.

The next day, I drive the motorbike at the foot of the volcano, and I climb to 3,600 metres using small roads along the mountain. The scenery is spectacular.

Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala
The summit.

Finally, I didn't climb to the volcano's summit. I have not acclimatized to the altitude... and I am too lazy.

Here are some superb landscapes taken at altitude between 3,000 and 3,600 metres.

Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala
Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala
Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala
Volcán Tajumulco - Guatemala

Landscapes of the highlands

San Miguel Ixtahuacan - Guatemala

During the following days, I continue to drive along some of the Western Highlands roads through small town and villages whose populations are mostly Mayans.

San Miguel Ixtahuacan - Guatemala
Western Highlands - Guatemala
San Miguel Ixtahuacan - Guatemala
Western Highlands - Guatemala
Western Highlands - Guatemala
Western Highlands - Guatemala


Huehuetenango - Guatemala

This town is described as a place with little charm for tourism. However, the daily market in the town centre is very interesting. Also, it's quite fun to be the only gringo in town.

Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Vehicles drive through the town centre.
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala

Central Plaza

Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala


Huehuetenango - Guatemala

Here is the first edition of the Huehuetenango Marathon. I was a race of 21 kilometres.

Huehuetenango - Guatemala
Huehuetenango - Guatemala