The Pacific Slope
The Guatemalan Coast has a few nice attractions, and is endowed with some decent beaches for surf enthusiasts. As you already know, beaches are not my favourite places. I only took a few days on the coast. Beaches in Guatemala have the advantage of not being developed for foreign tourism. It's mainly a local affair.

Tak'alik Ab'aj Ruins
Theses ruins are far from being the nicest. However, they are interesting since they are from the Olmec culture, much older than the Mayas. The first Olmecs have their roots 1200 BC, and their civilization disappeared around 500 DC. In fact, they were rather assimilated by the Mayan civilization.
Due to their old age, the state of conservation isn't very good. The site holds a few structures and steles on which it’s possible to observe vague shapes.

Ruines de Tak'alik Ab'aj - Animal Rescue Centre
Oddly, there is also an animal rescue centre on the site of the ruins. Animals have been rescued from owners that had them illegally or who mistreated them.

La Democracia
These Olmecs sculptures are located in the central park of the village of La Democracia.

Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa - Museo El Baúl
In the heart of a region where sugar cane is the main crop, on a private finca, there is a superb collection of Olmecs/Mayan sculptures. Most of the steles were discovered in the middle of fields, and later moved to this site. The site guardian told me that as recently as this year, a statue was discovered while plowing a field.

A small seaside resort along the coast. A nice place for the pool, and also for surf enthusiasts.