Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Area around Santa Maria Nebaj

November 6, 2018  —  Guatemala 2
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala

Santa Maria de Nebaj is a municipality in the Quiché region. The region is also known as the Ixil Triangle for its people. Personally, I don't think that any towns or villages are particularly pretty. Once more, the beauty of the area is about the mountain landscapes, the traditional clothes worn by women, and the people friendliness.

The people that I met were very friendly, and sometimes curious about my reason to come in their region. They are always surprised to learn that I drove the motorbike all the way from Canada.

Santa Maria Nebaj - Guatemala

Region north of Sacapulas

Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Mountains north of Sacapulas - Guatemala
Area north of Chajul - Guatemala

Hacienda San Antonio

This hacienda makes an excellent cheese.

Hacienda San Antonio - Acul - Guatemala
Hacienda San Antonio - Acul - Guatemala
Hacienda San Antonio - Acul - Guatemala

Loop northwest of Nebaj

Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala
Loop northwest of Nebaj - Guatemala


Chicamán - Guatemala
When I saw this cemetery, I thought that I would rather live there than in the town itself, it's more pretty. For sure, they are some inconveniences.
Chicamán - Guatemala