Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Naj Tunich

March 19, 2018  —  Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala

Naj Tunich was a pleasure to discover due to its remoteness. Indeed, I had very few information on its location, and I had to rely on an imprecise map from Google, a vague description from some web sites, and on the few people I met on the way there. Even when I arrived in the village where the cave is located, I drove three times in front of the entrance before I saw the worn-out sign for the site.

After parking the motorbike on a field near the village, it was necessary to walk a few kilometres in the forest to reach the cave. It is much more fun when it is difficult, I had the impression of being an explorer...

In addition to being a very nice cave, Naj Tunich contains superb Mayan hieroglyphs discovered in 1979. Some are texts and others are drawing representing religious scenes, ball games, or even sex scenes. The quality of the drawing is extraordinary.

The original cave is not accessible. However, artists made a replica of the drawings in a nearby cave. I was told that the real drawings are even nicer than the replica.

Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala
Naj Tunich - Guatemala