Market Day
Markets in Guatemala are very colourful. In the mountains, people with Mayan ancestry still wear traditional outfits. Among the three markets I visited, the one in San Francisco El Alto has been my favourite...
San Francisco El Alto
The market in this town is the biggest and most authentic in Guatemala. The usual commodities found in Guatemalan markets are present, but the animal market is a unique aspect of San Francisco El Alto.
You want to buy a cow, pig, chicken, turkey, sheep, goat, or a dog? No problem, they can all be bought in this market. It's fascinating to watch locals bargaining over the price of these animals. Moreover, women are dressed with brightly coloured traditional garments.

The market at Chichicastenango is one of the most visited in Guatemala. On the one hand, you have the souvenir vendors with an impressive quantity of trinkets seldom seen in the rest of the country. For the first time, I saw masks being sold, and I still wonder how authentic they were. On the other hand, there is the church with all the rituals related to it. On the church square, several florists and candle vendors compete for your attention.

Santa Cruz del Quiché
Typical Guatemalan market. Lots of people, so much that it's difficult to walk around.