Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Lago de Amatitlán

November 19, 2018  —  Guatemala 2
Lago de Amatitlán - Guatemala

Lake Amatitlán, with the Agua Volcano in the background, is located only 25 kilometres from the capital. For such a nice lake, it's surprising to see that it isn't surrounded by luxury villas and cottages where rich Guatemalans would come to relax on weekends. On the contrary, the lake is surrounded by farms, business, and small landowners that seems to be far from rich.

Lago de Amatitlán - Guatemala
At the end of the day.
Lago de Amatitlán - Guatemala
Early in the morning.
Volcán de Agua - Guatemala
Agua Volcano.
Lago de Amatitlán - Guatemala
Lago de Amatitlán - Guatemala

Laguna de Calderas

Laguna de Calderas - Guatemala

Small laguna located between Lake Amatitlán and Pacaya Volcano.

Laguna de Calderas - Guatemala