Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

On the road #2

November 16, 2013  —  Ethiopia

From Debark to Axum

Debark to Axum road - Ethiopia
The road follows the cliff.
Debark to Axum road - Ethiopia
Small mountains north of Debark.
Debark to Axum road - Ethiopia
An impressive road.
Debark to Axum road - Ethiopia
In a few years, the road will be paved.
Debark to Axum road - Ethiopia

Ethiopians are in general very nice, but when they are behind the wheel, they are sometimes a bit stupid.

The road is blocked by a bulldozer that must open the way so that we may pass. These four drivers, instead of lining up, have decided that they should be the first to go on.

The result: when the bulldozer opened the way, the cars were not able to go forward because they were blocking one another.

Unfortunately, it is a very frequent behaviour.


Yeha Temple

Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia

Yeha Temple is considered the oldest structure of Ethiopia. The temple, partly restored, dates from the 5th century before Christ.

The temple measuring 18 m by 15 m is made of rock building blocks perfectly fitted together without any mortar. Archeological researches have lead to the discovery of real treasures in the structure that was probably converted to a church in the 6th century.

Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Perfect fitting of the rock blocks.
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Compound entrance.
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Carving in Geez and Amharic.
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Ancient crosses and crowns.
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Old religious manuscripts.
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
Looking like a lion?
Yeha Ruins - Ethiopia
The road going to the temple.

From Axum to Adigrat

Road near Adigrat - Ethiopia
Whatever the slope, it is always a 10% sign.
Road near Adigrat - Ethiopia
Road near Adigrat - Ethiopia

Ethiopia is rapidly developing and many roads are now paved. However, the roads have been widened to the modern standards and sometimes the results are surprising.

In this village, houses have simply been cut in half to leave space for the road.

Road near Adigrat - Ethiopia
Road near Adigrat - Ethiopia
The houses have been cut in two.