Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Around Gonder

November 6, 2013  —  Ethiopia

Ethiopia is really a fascinating country. The landscapes are fantastic and the realms that once flourished in the region are surprising. After Lalibela and its churches, we travel in the region of Gonder where it is castles that have been built by the kings.


Castle of Guzara

Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Guzara Castle.
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Guzara Castle.

South of Gonder, the Guzara Castle rises from a hill. The castle dates from the 16th century, but very little is known about it.

It seems that in the 14th century, the kings chose the region (town of Emfraz) as an administrative centre. Afterwards, the city of Gonder seems to have taken more importance at the expense of Emfraz. Gonder contains several castles and compounds showing its importance at the time.

Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Inside the castle.
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Guard tower.
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia
Sitting at the top of a hill.
Guzara Castle - Ethiopia

Kusquam Complex near Gonder

Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
The castle.

This royal compound built by empress Mentewab is located a few kilometres outside of Gonder. It contains a palace, a church and a few other structures.

Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Inside the castle.
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia

The small on-site museum contains a few nice artifacts.

Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
The remains of the empress.
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Ethiopian saints.

In the royal compound, there is a more modern church that is very interesting. The paintings inside, even if they are more recent, are of a style that we hadn't seen yet.

Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Angels are watching us...
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia
Kusquam site in Gonder - Ethiopia