Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Road to Zaruma

August 19, 2019  —  Ecuador

It's the end of my visit in Ecuador. I am heading toward the small town of Zaruma for a night, and the next day, I will cross the border and enter Peru.

Curiously, between Cuenca and Zaruma, there are only 100 kilometres as the crow flies, but the change of climate is very surprising. I started in green Cuenca, and then I crossed a desertic zone before reaching Zaruma, where everything was green again.

The altitude in Cuenca was 2500 metres, then I went down to about 800 metres in the desertic zone. After a few dozen kilometres in the desert, I drove back up to more than 3300 metres where I was in the clouds, and I also had some drizzle. Obviously, all was green again. Finally, I went down to 1200 metres to the town of Zaruma. What a change of altitude in only one day!

Here are a few photos of this spectacular route.

Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
It has become quite desertic...
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
I am now at an altitude of about 800 metres.
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
The river allows for the creation of some green oasis.
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
I am climbing up in altitude, the green is coming back.
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
At 3300 metres, I am back in the clouds and some drizzle.
Road from Santa Isabel to Zaruma - Ecuador
Descent toward the town of Zaruma.


Zaruma - Ecuador

I thought Zaruma was going to be only an ordinary town where I was only going to sleep before going to the border. I didn't know it was a very photogenic and old mining town with friendly locals.

It is very enjoyable to walk the narrow streets and to admire the old fashion buildings.

Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
He can even aim right...
Zaruma - Ecuador
Some buildings are left to crumble.
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador

In the evening, the town lights up in a magistral way. Since the start of my trip, it's by far the town with the nicest lighting.

Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador
Zaruma - Ecuador