Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

On the road #2

August 5, 2019  —  Ecuador

Lagunes de Mojanda

Lagunas de Mojanda - Ecuador

A nice excursion near Otavalo is to go to the Lagunas de Mojanda at an altitude of 3720 metres.

Lagunas de Mojanda - Ecuador
Lagunas de Mojanda - Ecuador
Lagunas de Mojanda - Ecuador
Lagunas de Mojanda - Ecuador

Quisato, the other Mitad del Mundo

Quisato Sundial - Ecuador
A sundial.

A popular place of interest is to visit the Mitad del Mundo, a monument located on the Equatorial Line. It's a real tourist trap. The irony is that the monument is in fact located a few hundreds metres from the real latitude 0°0'0.

In the last years, several touristic places have been opened to attract people to the Equatorial Line. The only problem is that the vast majority of them are not really at latitude 0. I passed a few of these sites and I decided to only visit one if it was really located at the proper location.

Here is one of the only sites on the Equatorial Line; the Sundial of Quisato, a few kilometres south of the city of Cayambe.

Quisato Sundial - Ecuador
The Equatorial Line.
Quisato Sundial - Ecuador
Proof that the line is really at latitude 0°0'0.
Quisato Sundial - Ecuador
Cayambe - Ecuador
The site is near the city of Cayambe.

More scenery

Around Penipe - Ecuador
Around Penipe - Ecuador
Riobamba - Ecuador
Licto - Ecuador
Pungala - Ecuador