Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

The Highlands - part 2

June 15, 2019  —  Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador

My journey through the mountains of Ecuador is still going on. The landscapes are still spectacular.

Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador

On these mountain roads, there are often road signs warning about potential risk of rockfalls. But sometimes, a huge landslide may occur.

On the photo below, the road doesn't exist anymore. A major landslide has blocked the road some few years ago.

Road from Guasuntos to Totoras - Ecuador
A landslide has completely blocked the road.
Around Cebadas - Ecuador
Around Cebadas - Ecuador
Around Cebadas - Ecuador
South of Colta - Ecuador

Sangay National Park

Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador

Back in the Sangay National Park for a second visit; this time, I am in the region of the Ozogoche Lagunas.

Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador
Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador
Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador
Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador
Parque nacional Sangay - Ecuador

The Oldest Church of Ecuador

Balbanera - Ecuador

This small Catholic church is said to be the oldest of Ecuador. It was founded by the Spaniards on August 15, 1534.

Balbanera - Ecuador
Balbanera - Ecuador
Balbanera - Ecuador
Balbanera - Ecuador

Laguna Colta

Colta - Ecuador
Colta - Ecuador
Colta - Ecuador