Guayaquil - part 2
Parque Bolívar
Here is the second part of my stay in Guayaquil.
Park Bolivar is also nicknamed the park of iguanas because of the many reptiles that permanently lives there. Normally, iguanas are very difficult to approach, and they flee as soon as they fell in danger. Surprisingly, several iguanas now reside in the park, and they don't have any fear of passers-by. It easy to approach them and it's almost possible to touch them.
In addition to the iguanas, there are many turtles basking in the park's ponds.

Another visit to the cemetery!
The cemetery of Guayaquil is as impressive as the one in Tulcán, but for different reasons. In Guayaquil, the wealth of some tombs is incredible. A resident of the city told me that the mindset of people consists in thinking that if a person is rich in life, he has to show that he is also rich in death.
The other astonishing aspect of the cemetery is the area with apartment buildings. These two to three-storey buildings with staircase shafts contain several hundred apartments... except that in this case, each apartment is not very spacious since it can hold only one urn.

Parque Histórico
Guayaquil's historical park is divided in three zones; the endangered wildlife zone, the architecture zone, and the traditions zone.

Isla Santay
Santay Island is a protected natural reserve located a few hundreds metres from the centre of Guayaquil, on the opposite shore of the Guayas River. It protects a mangrove, and at least 128 species of birds have been observed. To reach the island, an 840 metres-long pedestrian bridge spans the river between the city and the island.