Guayaquil - part 1
Guayaquil is the second city in importance in Ecuador after the capital Quito. However, it's the economic heart of the country with its 2.7 million inhabitants.
It's a great modern city with a nice promenade along the Guayas River, several impressive skyscrapers, and hillsides covered with colourful houses.

Las Peñas & Cerro Santa Ana
Las Peñas is a suburb on the slopes of Mount Santa Ana. In fact, it's a favela (slum) and it's a dangerous area where it's better not to enter.
An exception to this rule is the staircase with 444 steps leading to the blue and white lighthouse. The staircase is well patrolled by security guards and the police. However four times, a person warned me not to venture in a small lane or a street; otherwise I could get robbed of all I have.

Cerro del Carmen

The museums
There are a lot of museums in the city. I visited only two of them; the Museum Nahim Isaias, and the Museum of Anthropology and contemporary art.