Cuenca and the surroundings
Cuenca is one of the most beautiful cities in Ecuador after Quito. The capital is more impressive, but it's not a city where I would like to live since they are too many people, the traffic is horrible, and moving around at rush hours is painful. Cuenca is more like a large and quiet village, but with a historic and colonial centre classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Monasterio de las Conceptas
The monastery, founded in 1599, offers a glimpse of the cloistered nuns still living there. Of course, the nuns can't be seen since they are cloistered.
The museum presents various religious artworks, but the most fascinating is the building itself, which is a real museum piece. The wooden structures date from the foundation and their age shows just by looking at the curved wooden beams or at some uneven staircases' landing.

The small town of Biblián is famous for the sanctuary of the Virgen del Rocio; Virgen of the Dew.