Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Tsodilo Hills

June 29, 2014  —  Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana

The Tsodilo Hills are located north-west of Botswana. If you follow my trip on the Google map, you will notice that I made a detour through Namibia. In fact, it was much shorter to go through Namibia than backtracking all the way on the Botswana side. Moreover, the roads in the Caprivi Strip are very good and almost all paved.

In Namibia, I took the opportunity to visit two small parks that we didn't see (Gitane and me) since we were in the rainy seasons. When everything is dry, access is very easy. However, they are the two parks where I have seen the least animals during my African journey, thus no post for these parks...

Tsodilo Hills - Botswana

Back in the Tsodilo Hills, it is possible to do some small treks to go see rock paintings. These paintings have the same origin as those I have seen in Namibia (Twyfelfontein and Brandberg). They have been made by the San people some centuries ago.

In the Tsodilo, it is real San people that guide us through the hills. The San are the original people of southern Africa (like the Amerindians in Canada). It is interesting to hear them use their strange language with 'click' sounds. Do you remember the movie 'The Gods Must Be Crazy'. It was a somewhat racist movie, but it was possible to hear Bushmen talking.

There is a negative side to the place... I found the people of the area to be a bit unfriendly. They are a bit aggressive and see the tourist as a source of money... and they ask a lot of it for a bad service.

Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Rocks are very colourful in the Tsodilo.
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
There is no wild rhinoceros in Botswana.
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana
This rock is shaped like sub-Saharan Africa.
Tsodilo Hills - Botswana