Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Chobe National Park - Chobe Riverfront

June 17, 2014  —  Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Sable Antelope.

I am now along the Chobe River parts of the Chobe National Park.

Yes, I am still visiting a park and presenting you with photos of animals. I don't know if you are getting tired of seeing such photos, but sometimes I wonder myself about that. Am I bored of seeing animals in parks?

I admit that sometimes I don't feel like getting up at 5h30 in the morning to go explore a park to take some photos. Animals that I see again and again are not as impressive as when I saw them first. However, when I stumble upon a new show of elephants spraying each other with water, mud or sand, when I see a new species such as hunting dogs, or when I see hundreds of zebras or dozens of buffaloes running in front of me in a rumble of steps and in a cloud of dust, then I know that I still like to wander along parks to observe animals.

Maybe you are tired of seeing these photos with little text with them. Don't forget that for me, everything was moving and there were sounds and smells with my observations. Moreover, there is the satisfaction of looking for hours and stumble upon a wonderful show and manage to take some nice pictures and sometimes even videos.

Thus, parks and reserves, I will visit some more... Southern and East Africa is a lot about parks and animals.

Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Banded Mongoose.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
A small crocodile.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
A spatula?
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Lilac-breasted Roller.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana

During my stay along the Chobe River, I had the chance to see this pride of lions with three adult lioness and 4-5 juvenile lions. I saw them every day.

Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
The lions came to drink on the river shore.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
The elephants are waiting their turn. They are forming a protecting line with the young elephants behind them.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana

About every day, elephants come to the shore to drink or to spray themselves with water, mud, or sand.

Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Every morning and evening, the sun becomes a nice red ball on the horizon.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe River.
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana
Chobe Riverfront - Chobe National Park - Botswana