Yacuiba and Aguaragüe National Park
After my stay in Salta, Argentina, I head directly to Bolivia passing through the border at Yacuiba (Bolivia) and Professor Salvador Mazza (Argentina). It is a fairly chaotic border, but I manage to get through in less than 3 hours; 15 min on the Argentinian side and the rest on the Bolivian side.
The first 100 metres in Bolivian territory are no more than a long street lined with shops that sell everything.

Aguaragüe National Park
To discover the park, I simply try to drive on roads that lead to its interiors. In the southern side of the park, I don't have much success. The first road that I drive (point 1 on the map) properly cross the park, but there are no trails or tracks to go deeper into the forest. Then on my second attempt, I see a track on the map, but when I get close to the park boundary (point 2 on the map), I can't drive on since there is a military base and access is forbidden.
Pilcomayo Canyon
Finally, I have more success after exiting the city of Villamontes. The road goes through the Pilcomayo Canyon and offers some superb landscapes. However, it's a dirt road with plenty of traffic and there is lots of dust due to the numerous trucks and cars.
Technically, I am not in the park, but in the área natural de manejo integrado Aguaragüe, an intermediate zone around the park where some activities are allowed; for example, fishing in the Pilcomayo River.