Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Parque Nacional Los Cardones

June 24, 2022  —  Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina

Los Cardones National Park, near the towns of Cachi and Payogasta, was created in 1996 to protect various biomes located at altitudes between 2,600 and 5,226 metres. Its name comes from the large quantity of cacti (Echinopsis atacamensis), a characteristic species of the intermediate altitude valleys in the south of Bolivia and in the north of Argentina and Chile. In Spanish, these cacti are known under the name cardón or pasacana.

The park is also known for the Recta del Tin-Tin, a perfectly straight section of the road that stretches over 10 kilometres. The road follows one of the pre-Hispanic paths that were part of the Inca Road System Qhapaq Ñan.

Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
The Recta del Tin-Tin, a perfectly straight section of the road.
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
Parque Nacional Los Cardones - Argentina
The cacti (Echinopsis atacamensis) are numerous in the park.