Travels around the world 2009-2024
Exploring our beautiful planet

Mejicana Mine

May 31, 2022  —  Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Río Amarillo (Yellow River).

From the town of Famatina, 35 km north of Chilecito, a trail leads to the Mejicana Mine (station 9). The mine's entrance is located there, at an altitude of nearly 4,500 metres.

The trail passes through a series of fantastic landscapes such as the Río Amarillo, Los Pesebre and the Cañon del Ocre. It is not an easy path for a motorbike, and at the end of May, the cold and the wind at the summit are intense.

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Los Pesebre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Los Pesebre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Los Pesebre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Los Berros.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

A yellow-coloured river follows the trail leading to the Mejicana Mine. It is necessary to cross it at least 15 times.

In the morning, the river is still partially frozen. Believe me, there were some crossings in the ice and the river much harder than the one in this photo. Sometimes, the river flow over the trail for a length of several dozen metres, accompanied by a layer of ice and snow.

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Flavio, Jorge, and José.

I would never have taken the risk of driving alone to the mine, crossing multiple times a partially frozen river without the presence of three Argentinians driving the trail with small enduro motorbikes. It's them who opened the path through the river by breaking the ice. I only followed in their footsteps, and I went along with them for safety. A big thank you to these three motorcyclists!!!

On the trail to station 8, I fell and they helped me lift the bike, and to restart in a steep slope with a lot of rocks.

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Cañon del Ocre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Cañon del Ocre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Cañon del Ocre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Cañon del Ocre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Cañon del Ocre.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

Here I am, at the junction of the trails leading to station 8 and station 9.

At the crossroad, it is possible to spend a night in a refuge. However, at this time of the year and at an altitude of nearly 4000 metres, the nights are very cold (10 to 15 degrees Celsius under 0).

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The refuge.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The yellow river is still frozen in the middle of the day.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

Station 8 Mirador

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

I managed to drive up to the Station 8 mirador, but I was about a hundred metres short of the station itself. After a fall, I had reached my limit and I didn't want to take any more risks.

Only one of the three enduro friends has driven up to station 8. He was the only one with a 250 cc bike, the other two with 150 cc bikes climbed no further than the refuge. The small bikes were short of power for the climb.

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
On the rightmost hill, the path leading up to station 8 is visible.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

Mejicana Mine (station 9)

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina

I managed to reach the Mejicana Mine at an altitude of nearly 4,500 metres.

It is from that place that ores were carried back to Chilecito using the mining cableway with its 9 stations over a total distance of about 34 km.

Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The highest point I managed to reach. I am above the Mejicana Mine.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The Mejicana Mine (station 9) can be seen.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Mejicana Mine.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The mine's entrance.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
The first pylons of the mining cableway.
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina
Road from Famatina to Mejicana Mine - Argentina