Tsitsikammma National Park
Otter Trail
In this park, I did a superb hike of 5 days and 4 nights with Anik, whom I have been travelling with for the past few days. Normally, the hike is limited to 12 persons a day. The day we started, we were only two persons.
The Otter Trail follows the shoreline along a path with fantastic scenery. The days (except one) are quite short with only 4 hours of walking. The rest of the day, we did small walks and we swam in the ocean followed by a nice cold shower. Oh yes, there were showers!
Exploration of a small cave on the first day.
Refuges were quite luxurious. I was not expecting such comfort. Moreover, we were only two in a refuge for six persons; we had more than enough space to move about.

The Suspended Bridges
Back on my own, I went to the section of the park with the suspended bridges. In fact, it is basically at the same place where we started our five days hike.
On top of a hill, there is a magnificent viewpoint on the Storms River mouth.